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Archive for September, 2012

Now available: William Bailie and Benjamin Tucker in LIBERTY (1892)

Here are two new items, now available from the Fair Use Repository main site. Both are from the issue of Liberty for September 24, 1892.

  • Ireland’s Need of a Free Currency, by William Bailie, in Liberty, Vol. IX.–No. 4, Whole No. 238 (September 24, 1892). 2.

    At all periods of human history it is possible to observe a combination of times and conditions that seems conspicuously ripe for the recognition and adoption of certain instalments of general truth embodied in particular ideas and principles borne mostly on the obscure banners of hitherto unnoticed reform. Such an occasion, I venture to believe, is presented by the dawning hopes to which the impending political change gives birth in the state of long-scourged and ever-suffering Ireland…. The economic regeneration of that country through the death of Interest by means of a free currency is the idea which the writer believes peculiarly fitting at this juncture of her career to inaugurate the industrial and social Revolution.

  • On Picket Duty, by Benjamin Tucker in Liberty IX.4, Whole No. 238 (September 24, 1892). 1.

    Comrade Bailie’s article in this issue on Ireland’s Need of a Free Currency is suggestive. It certainly is none too early to begin to prepare that unhappy country to make the most of her freedom when she shall get it. The Irishman or Irish-American who devotes himself to that work will do his country immeasurable service. But Ireland’s situation is peculiar. Unlike all other civilized nations, her first and greatest need is free land, not free money….

    The column also includes comments on Wagner, copyright protectionism, and Whitman’s verses in praise of Kaiser Wilhelm.

As usual, these transcriptions were made possible by facsimiles provided through the magnificent work of Shawn P. Wilbur at his Travelling in Liberty online archive.

Read, cite and enjoy!

“Change of Name Requested,” from The Egoist (July 1925).

This is an item from The Egoist, an individualist anarchist paper published by Edward H. Fulton under a series of at least five different names from 1919 to at least 1928, which provided a major forum for plumb-line individualist anarchists, American mutualists, and many former members of Tucker’s Liberty circle during the 1920s. (The paper, for example, provided a new home for Jo Labadie’s Cranky Notions columns, published articles by Austin Wright, Clarence Lee Swartz, Henry Cohen, etc. The periodical began as The New Order (1919), was changed to the 1776 American in 1920, changed to EGO in 1921, went on hiatus for a few years, and then reappeared as The Egoist in 1924. After this issue, Fulton, based on reader responses, changed the title again to The Mutualist, which ran from 1925 until at least 1928. This article appeared at the back of The Egoist IV.6, on page 7 (July 1925).

The most liberal supporters of this paper, some of them egoists, have asked me change the name of the paper. John Basil Barnhill was the first to suggest a change. I refused. (See No. 4). Many others have made the suggestion, because egoism refers to a moral doctrine and egoist is not generally understood as individualist, notwithstanding the Standard Dictionary, and others, define “individualist” as “an egoist.” I answered these friends that as I had used various names for small leaflets–names that would suit my only font of big type for change in size of paper–that another change might tend to give me the title of “nut” or “quick-change artist” in regard to names. But they still write urging change of the name–don’t think the name is appropriate for a individualistic discussing political, social and economic matters almost exclusively.

If no one objected to the name, The Egoist, I would make no change, (as no name would compel me to pay an income tax), but some of my best friends want another name–most ANY OTHER name–for the paper. I am not obstinate on immaterial things, so will put the matter up to subscribers. Any name chosen by subscribers will suit me–BUT IT MUST STAND AS LONG AS I LIVE–I hate changes, notwithstanding many publications I see have little red or blue lines below a big new name saying “Formerly, etc., etc.” [“Fawcett’s,” formerly “True Confessions”; “Tax-Payers’ Magazine,” formerly “The Yeoman” for example].

Arthur R. Woolsey suggests the modern style–an engraved heading, “FULTON’S” in large letters, with “Magazine” in small letters beneath in an ornamental extension.

Names suggested:

  • Fulton’s Magazine. (Engraved heading.)
  • The Individualist.
  • Equal Freedom.
  • The Plumbliner.
  • The Mutualist.
  • The Egoist. (Present name.)

None of the new names were chosen or suggested by me. I am leaving the selection to subscribers. Send first, second and third choice. ANY of these names will suit the publisher.