Now online: four articles from MOTHER EARTH (November, 1914): Anarchist responses to World War I and a commemoration of the Haymarket martyrs posted by Rad Geek 04 May 2010 1:11 pm
I’m happy to announce that the Fair Use Repository now features four complete articles from the November, 1914 issue of Mother Earth:
Kropotkin on the Present War by Peter Kropotkin — a reprint of Kropotkin’s letter supporting the French government’s fighting in World War I;
In Reply to Kropotkin by Alexander Berkman — in which Berkman calls Kropotkin to task, argues that the international working class has no real stake in bosses’ wars, and calls on Anarchists to oppose all sides in all government wars.
Wars and Capitalism (Chapter I) by Peter Kropotkin, a reprint of Kropotkin’s earlier analysis of war, from 1913, in which he argued that
the reason for modern war is always the competition for markets and the right to exploit nations backward in industry.
Black Friday of 1887, by
M. B.,
a slashing review of the Socialist journalist Charles Edward Russell’s discussion of Haymarket in his memoirs, and a commemoration of the Haymarket martyrs hanged 11 November 1887.
These are the first set of articles to be put online from Mother Earth Volume IX, Number 9; more will come soon. I believe that the complete issue should be available online by the end of the week.
Read, cite, and enjoy!