Now Available: Three from Liberty on Alaskan Anarchy posted by Rad Geek 18 Jan 2011 6:03 pm
I’m happy to announce that the Fair Use Repository now features full-text transcriptions of three articles from an early number of Benjamin Tucker’s Liberty — a discussion of stateless living amongst Alaskan indigenous tribes and what it might mean.
A. P. Kelly, then associate editor of Liberty, leads off with Anarchy in Alaska, in Liberty Vol II., No. 16 (May 17, 1884).
F. R. B. replied with a general question about Anarchy and fallen humanity, and Kelly printed it along with his rejoinder, in The Cause of Crime, in Liberty Vol. II., No. 17 (May 31, 1884).
The Anarchist pamphleteer C. L. James replied in his turn, calling attention to the fact of violence against women in the society that Kelly had described, and challenging Kelly’s optimism about criminality in a free society. Kelly printed the letter, and his own, rather intemperate, rejoinder, in A Shadow in the Path, in Liberty Vol. II., No. 19 (June 28, 1884).
Many thanks to Shawn Wilbur’s invaluable Travelling in Liberty repository for making the needed issues of Liberty easily available.